Resources to help us become more Christ-like
Do You Hear What I Hear: A Call to the Work of Anti-Racism
with James Forbes, Jr. and Mahan Siler
December 14, 2020
with James Forbes, Jr. and Mahan Siler
December 14, 2020
Lists of ResourcesClosing the racial wealth gap in America isn't a simple fix, but many experts say education and financial literacy can help. To shed light on the topic, has created an in-depth article discussing:
- The impact that this knowledge gap has on the African American community - Socioeconomic and cultural barriers - The role of Black financial advisors Financial Literacy & African Americans: Bridging the Gap ( A guide on racial injustices experienced in substance use treatment,
Not Equal: Racial Disparities In Addiction/Substance Abuse Treatment ( Do you have implicit biases? Use this assessment to find out:
List shared by Trellace Lawrimore from a talk she did for Ecclesia on Cultural Competencies for White People. (Video soon to be available.)
A comprehensive Anti-racism Resource Guide with EXCELLENT information. Scaffolded Anti-racist Resources, a google doc with links for great resources. Audio/VisualsA Facebook Live panel of seven African American Pastors on the aftermath of George Floyd's murder. The 13th "Filmmaker Ava DuVernay explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans." A list of podcasts that confront anti-racism: Other ResourcesA thought provoking blogpost by Rev. Dr. Jim McCoy White People, this is what we want you to do, a provocative blogpost for people who keep asking question. The author of Waking up White, Debby Irving, offers this resource on her website with many links to guide you toward change: Anti-racism activist Austin Channing offers many resources on her site and has written a compelling book on the topic as well. Through her anti-racism work, Monique Melton has created great resources. Check out her website. The National Council of Churches does some great work on fighting racism. You can find the resources they offer here: |
Books to ReadAn Anti-racist Booklist: NYT's Ibram X. Kendi provides a list of books that could help America transcend its racist heritage. Some or all of the books listed below may be listed in other resource lists here, particularly in Ibram X. Kendi's list. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander "It is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. Yet, as legal star Alexander reveals, today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against convicted criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans." White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo "With clarity and compassion, DiAngelo allows us to understand racism as a practice not restricted to "bad people." In doing so, she moves our national discussions forward. This is a necessary book for all people invested in societal change" review by Claudia Rankine White Awake by Daniel Hill "This is a powerful, transparent, and needed book to inform anyone actually involved in or looking to join the conversation, practice, and hard work of racial reconciliation as it pertains to the local church. This book is not for the platitudinous or the pontificating. It speaks to real-world, on-the-street, in-the-seat relationships and realities." –Review by Landrum P. Leavell III, ThD. Waking up White by Debby Irving This memoir tells how one woman came to terms with her own racism and how she learned to listen. The Sun is Up by Martha Dixon Kearse "Martha Dixon Kearse, a white female minister, struggles to understand the real lessons of racial justice in America—particularly for those people of faith who claim to love everyone—and what work is required of those same white people of faith to make things right." Strength to Love by ML King, Jr. "In these short meditative and sermonic pieces, Dr. King articulates his commitment to justice and to the intellectual, moral, and spiritual conversion that makes his work as much a blueprint today for Christian discipleship as it had been when he originally wrote it." |