October/November 2011
Imprints (Year 3)
When we hear the word "kingdom" there are certain images and ideas that typically accompany it. Maybe it's words like king, queen, prince, and princess. Maybe it's castles, lands, lords and ladies. Maybe it's governments, armies, presidents, and politicians. In any case, Jesus didn't play by the rules we are accustomed to when it came time to describe life in God's kingdom. Jesus started saying things like, "The kingdom belongs to little children" and "the ones who are really blessed in God's kingdom are the poor, the mourners, peacemakers, and the like." It could truly be described as an "up-side-down" kingdom. In this series, we're going to dig into these statements and ask what it means to be a part of that kingdom and how our value systems may need to undergo a radical redefinition if we are to be citizens in it.
"The Up-Side-Down Kingdom" |
10/9/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit" 10/16/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are Those That Mourn" 10/23/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are The Meek" 10/30/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are Those That Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness" 11/6/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are The Merciful" 11/13/11 Stephen Loftis
"Blessed Are the Pure In Heart" 11/20/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are The Peacemakers" 11/27/11 Steven Norris
"Blessed Are The Persecuted" |
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