May 2013
Imprints Year One
“I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind but now I see.” It’s the story of our faith as followers of Jesus Christ. No, we may have never walked through a day in complete and utter darkness; we may not have been dependent on the arm of a friend or the tapping of a pole in front of us to avoid running into something; we may never have read in braille or saw someone’s face with a gentle touch of our hands; but we know something about being blind. Jesus didn’t come for the healthy, but for the sick like us. He didn’t come because we deserved it, but because to show us God’s grace. This month, as we look at passages of blindness, let us ask God to continue to reveal to us those places where we are still blind to the way of Jesus in our lives, blind to the sin that still has a hold, blind to our own failures - and let us ask Jesus once again to come and heal us.
“The Blind Receive Sight"
May 5, 2013 Steven Norris, preaching
May 12, 2013 Steven Norris, preaching
May 19, 2013 Steven Norris, preaching
May 26, 2013 Steven Norris, preaching