Checkup Time
(Micah 6:8)
From time to time, businesses and organizations do a mission (vision) check - taking an assessment of where you are, just to make sure that it lines up with where you want to be. Too often, we get caught up in what Charles Hummel calls the “Tyranny of the Urgent” that we forget what our primary goal and mission truly is. We get so hung up in going from crisis to crisis or immediate need to immediate need, that our attention drifts from the goal or mission, to maintaining the day-to-day tasks of the institution. Therefore, from time time, it’s worth pausing and asking ourselves, “What is God’s bigger purpose for us as a church? What is the guiding north star that helps us realize when we’ve gotten off track? What is the goal for us as believers?” This series seeks to ask just such questions for us as followers and as a church.
September 13, 2015 Steven Norris, preaching
September 20, 2015 Steven Norris, preaching
September 27, 2015 Steven Norris, preaching